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ageofthemage's podcast

Mar 30, 2021

Are you able to communicate with entities in other realms? Do you receive messages and information from other dimensions? Can you offer people information about their lives and their futures based on magical and spiritual connections? If any of these are true for you, you may be a Magical Oracle!

Oracles are here to...

Mar 29, 2021

Do you have natural leadership abilities? Are you most comfortable when you're able to be in charge of your own projects? Do you find that others look to you for advice or support? These are all signs that you could make an excellent leader!

When we work in teams or small groups, we often get more accomplished if we...

Mar 28, 2021

Do you enjoy reading and studying about magical or spiritual subjects? Do you express yourself by sharing your knowledge with others? Are you able to recognize patterns in the 3D world as well as in multidimensional realms?

If any of these ideas resonate with you, it's likely that you have strong affinity for the...

Mar 27, 2021

Do you find yourself defending or protecting your loved ones using etheric skills? Do you have the natural inclination to watch over and shield certain areas or groups of beings? If you often use your magical or spiritual skills to protect others, you may be a Magical Guardian.

This is one of the 9 Magical Archetypes....

Mar 27, 2021

Is healing the way that your magick and spiritual gifts make themselves known? Do you find that others lean on you for advice or comfort? Do you have positive effects on weakened or damaged areas?

If any of these are true for you, the Healer might be one of your primary magical archetypes. I invite you to explore what...